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Pete McBreen, "Software Craftsmanship: The New Imperative"
Addison-Wesley Professional | ISBN 0201733862 | 2001 Year | CHM | 0,33 Mb | 192
“ By recognizing that software development is not a mechanical task, you can
create better applications.
Today’s software development projects are often based on the traditional
software engineering model, which was created to develop large-scale defense
projects. Projects that use this antiquated industrial model tend to take
longer, promise more, and deliver less.
As the demand for software has exploded, the software engineering establishment
has attempted to adapt to the changing times with short training programs that
teach the syntax of coding languages. But writing code is no longer the hard
part of development; the hard part is figuring out what to write. This kind of
know-how demands a skilled craftsman, not someone who knows only how to pass a
certification course.
Software Craftsmanship presents an alternative—a craft model that focuses on the
people involved in commercial software development. This book illustrates that
it is imperative to turn from the technology-for-its-own-sake model to one that
is grounded in delivering value to customers. The author, Pete McBreen, presents
a method to nurture mastery in the programmer, develop creative collaboration in
small developer teams, and enhance communications with the customer. The end
result—skilled developers who can create, extend, and enhance robust
This book addresses the following topics, among others:
— Understanding customer requirements
— Identifying when a project may go off track
— Selecting software craftsmen for a particular project
— Designing goals for application development
— Managing software craftsmen
Software Craftsmanship is written for programmers who want to become exceptional
at their craft and for the project manager who wants to hire them.
William Smyth, "Computing Patterns in Strings"
Addison Wesley | ISBN 0201398397 | 2003 Year | DjVu | 27,74 Mb | 440 Pages
“ Computing Patterns in Strings by B.Smyth is a very useful book. String
algorithms is a separate discipline in Europe (France, UK, Italy etc.) and in
many other places in the world. However, in North America, this is not the case
and the research and the results are scattered among many disciplines and many
books. Thus most significant books on the topics concerning string algorithms
are not of North American provenance. Smyth's book provide the reader with a
comprehensive up-to-date overview of the discipline, rather than covering a few
topics. The author exhibits a witty and readable style and, except for a few
errors one always has to expect in a book covering so many algorithms and a
well-founded reader can easily spot and disregard, the book is an excellent
introduction to the discipline. I can highly recommend it to anyone seriously
considering extending his/her knowledge of computer science.
Robert Zimmerman, "Leaving Earth: Space Stations, Rival Superpowers, and the
Quest for Interplanetary Travel"
J. Henry Press | ISBN 0309085489 | 2003 Year | PDF | 5,39 Mb | 528 Pages
“ In the aftermath of the space shuttle Columbia disaster, Americans may have
forgotten that for a quarter-century men and women circled Earth in space
stations for as long as a year at a time. Most of these astronauts were from
Russia and the Warsaw Pact countries. Zimmerman (Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8)
recounts this era of space exploration, beginning with the American-Russian
rivalry in the 1960s and concluding with their present-day collaboration on the
International Space Station. He reminds us about the short-lived 1970s Skylab
program, which was to have been followed by other U.S. space stations. Granted
access to Russian archives and interviews with cosmonauts and their families,
the author describes the Soviet program in great detail. The original Russian
space stations, he reports, were intended primarily for propaganda and military
purposes, but they also included a variety of scientific experiments and
perfected the use of unmanned "freighters" to bring supplies and parts from
Earth. If readers remember anything about the Russian program, it is probably
the troubled final months of the Mir station, but Zimmerman describes the heroic
efforts of cosmonauts to put out fires and make extended space walks to
undertake complicated repairs. The Russians also conducted extensive research on
the effects of living in space on the human body, research that will be
invaluable for possible future travel to other planets. This book will be of
interest primarily to scientists and hard-core science buffs, but it will
undoubtedly be the leading book on the Russian space station program for the
foreseeable future.
Paul Sandin, "Robot Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Illustrated"
McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics | ISBN 007141200X | 2003 Year | PDF | 3,97 Mb | 299
“ Written by a leading robot designer — designer of robots used at the horizon
of mobile robotics — this resource offers a collection of both new and classic
robotic mechanisms and devices unmatched in scope, from such high-level sources
as the mechanical engineers' mainstay, Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices
Illustrated. Paul Sandin's superlative reference also brings you new robotic
mechanisms and devices that have never before been collected! Inside you’ll
— The most extensive array of mechanisms and devices for mobile robots ever
— Innovations in high-mobility suspension systems and drivetrains
— A wide range of steering systems and techniques
— Insights and diagrams on manipulator and gripper mechanisms and geometries
— Details on robust mechanical sensor systems
— Robot motor control electronics explained with the non-EE in mind
— Inspiration to take you to the next level in mobile robots — and beyond
D.Green, "Light and Dark"
Iop Institute of Physics | ISBN 0750308745 | 2002 Year | PDF | 1,89 Mb | 230
“ Encourages us to take a more careful look at many familiar phenomena, such as
the variations in the duration of twilight through the year and the ability of
human vision to misinterpret patterns of lines under certain conditions. Aims to
be entertaining, instructive, diverse and unusual.
Ian D. Lawrie, "A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics" (2nd edition)
Institute of Physics Publishing | ISBN 0750306041 | 2001 Year | PDF | 3,62 Mb |
450 Pages
“ A conducted grand tour of the fundamental theories which shape our modern
understanding of the physical world. This book covers the central themes of
spacetime geometry and the general-relativistic account of gravity; quantum
mechanics and quantum field theory; gauge theories and the fundamental forces of
nature, statistical mechanics and the theory of phase transitions. The basic
structure of each theory is explained in explicit mathematical detail with
emphasis on conceptual understanding rather than on the technical details of
specialized applications. Straightforward accounts are given of the standard
models of particle physics and cosmology, and some of the more speculative ideas
of modern theoretical physics are examined. This book is unique in bringing
together the diverse areas of physics which are usually treated as independent.
Designed to be accessible to final year undergraduates in physics and
mathematics and to provide first year graduate students with a broad
introductory view of theoretical physics, it will also be of interest to
scientists and engineers in other disciplines who need an account of the subject
at a level intermediate between semi-popular and technical research.
Teuvo Kohonen, "Self-Organizing Maps" (3rd edition)
Springer | ISBN 3540679219 | 2001 Year | DjVu | 5,12 Mb | 521 Pages
“ The Self-Organizing Map (SOM), with its variants, is the most popular
artificial neural network algorithm in the unsupervised learning category. Many
fields of science have adopted the SOM as a standard analytical tool: in
statistics,signal processing, control theory, financial analyses, experimental
physics, chemistry and medicine. A new area is organization of very large
document collections. The SOM is also one of the most realistic models of the
biological brain functions.This new edition includes a survey of over 2000
contemporary studies to cover the newest results; the case examples were
provided with detailed formulae, illustrations and tables; a new chapter on
software tools for SOM was written, other chapters were extended or reorganized.
Tony Jones, "Splitting the Second: The Story of Atomic Time"
Institute of Physics Publishing | ISBN 0750306408 | 2000 Year | PDF | 1,25 Mb |
199 Pages
“ As better clocks were built, measurements showed increasingly subtle causes
for variations in the length of the day ranging from a non-circular orbit, to
tidal effects, to crust movements, and down to atmospheric effects on the
rotation rate. All these are covered in detail.
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