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tip in a maximum of 2 pages. This guide will stay on your shelf and serve as a
useful reference for whenever you are working within Reason.
Пальчун В.Т., Крюков А.И., "Оториноларингология: Руководство для врачей"
Медицина | ISBN 5225046126 | 2001 год | PDF | 2,72 Mb | 616 Pages[cut]
Alex Gershman (Editor), Nikos Sidiropoulos (Editor), "Space-Time Processing for
MIMO Communications"
John Wiley & Sons | ISBN 0470010029 | 2005 Year | PDF | 2,54 Mb | 388 Pages[cut]
Driven by the desire to boost the quality of service of wireless systems closer
to that afforded by wireline systems, space-time processing for multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications research has drawn remarkable
interest in recent years. Exciting theoretical advances have been complemented
by rapid transition of research results to industry products and services, thus
creating a vibrant new area. Space-time processing is a broad area, owing in
part to the underlying convergence of information theory, communications and
signal processing research that brought it to fruition. This book presents a
balanced and timely introduction to space-time processing for MIMO
communications, including highlights of emerging trends, such as spatial
multiplexing and joint transceiver optimization. Includes detailed coverage of
wireless channel sounding, modelling, characterization and model validation.
Provides state-of-the-art research results on space-time coding, including
comprehensive tutorial coverage of orthogonal space-time block codes. Discusses
important recent developments in spatial multiplexing, transmit beam-forming,
pre-coding and joint transceiver design for the multi-user MIMO downlink using
full or partial CSI. Illustrates all theory with numerous examples gleaned from
cutting-edge research from around the globe. This valuable resource will appeal
to engineers, developers and consultants involved in the design and
implementation of space-time processing for MIMO communications. Its accessible
format, amply illustrated with real world case studies, contains relevant,
detailed advice for postgraduate students and researchers specializing in this
Thiru Thangarathinam, "Professional ASP.NET 2.0 XML"
Wrox | ISBN 0764596772 | 2006 Year | PDF | 5,25 Mb | 600 Pages[cut]
The foundation for most Web services, XML can also be used with ASP.NET to
display data from an infinite variety of sources in a Web site After covering
the basics, the book explores the many ways that XML documents can be created,
transformed, and transmitted to other systems using ASP.NET 2.0 Two major case
studies address issues such as reading and writing XML data, XML data
validation, transforming XML Data with XSLT, SQL Server XML integration, XML
support in ADO.NET, and XML Web Services
Stefan Schackow, "Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Security, Membership, and Role
Wrox | ISBN 0764596985 | 2006 Year | PDF | 5 Mb | 648 Pages[cut]
* Now in its second version, ASP.NET has over one million programmers, and they
all need to know how to use the new, tighter security model
* Helps programmers build better sites, control user access, and interface
securely with other parts of the Microsoft platform, such as Windows Server,
Active Directory, LDAP, and SQL Server 2005
* Explains in depth all the security and user management functionality of
ASP.NET 2.0, including many new built-in security functions that free the
developer from hand-coding
Robert Jones, Robert Oyung, Lise Pace, "Working Virtually: Challenges of Virtual
Cybertech Publishing | ISBN 1591405513 | 2005 Year | PDF | 25,81 Mb | 250
This perspective on the growing dependence on virtual teams provides virtual
offices with the tools to best exploit their environment. Insight is provided on
using virtual teams to most effectively leverage scarce and distributed
Justin Davies, Roger Whittaker, William von Hagen, "SUSE Linux 10 Bible"
Wiley | ISBN 0471754889 | 2006 Year | PDF | 1,81 Mb | 912 Pages[cut]
* Includes new coverage of Novell Linux Desktop and Open Enterprise Server
(Novell's traditional environment running on SUSE), with information on YaST
management tools and the OpenExchange e-mail server
* Introduces basic Linux methodologies, including partitions, filesystems,
filesystem layout, and more
* Covers the SUSE system, command line programs, implementing online services,
and using SUSE business tools in the enterprise setting
* Features a section devoted to end-user needs
* Also covers virtualization, including dosemu, wine, Crossover Office, uml xen
and Vmware, expanded coverage of SUSE with sendmail, CUPS, LDAP and more
* Companion DVD includes the SUSE Linux distribution 
В книге собраны наиболее популярные игрушки, изготавливаемые из бумаги - звери и
птицы, самолеты и корабли, цветы и коробочки.
"Оригами - от простого к сложному"
Дельта | ISBN 5891510596 | 1999 год | DjVu | 2,76 Mb | 320 страниц[cut]
И.В.Ксенофонтов, "Устройство и техническое обслуживание мотоциклов. Учебник
водителя транспортных средств категории "А""
За рулем | ISBN 5859073291 | 2004 год | PDF | 34,3 Mb | 128 страниц[cut]
В книге рассказывается об устройстве и принципах работы узлов, механизмов и
агрегатов современных мотоциклов. Подробно описаны модели, широко
распространенные в России.
Christian Lahti, Roderick Peterson, "Sarbanes-Oxley IT Compliance Using COBIT
and Open Source Tools"
Syngress | ISBN 1597490369 | 2005 Year | CHM | 1,69 Mb | 356 Pages[cut]
A Toolkit for IT Professionals
Whether you work for a publicly traded or pre-IPO company or as an IT
consultant, you are familiar with the daunting task of complying with the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act. You have no doubt seen the hour and dollar estimates for
compliance go up and up. With this book, you can now regain control of your
budget and schedule. This ground-breaking, fully integrated book and bootable
"live" CD provide all the information and the Open Source tools for you to use
to achieve IT SOX compliance. This book illustrates the many Open Source cost-
saving opportunities that public companies can deploy in their IT organizations
to meet the mandatory compliance requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Streamline IT SOX Compliance Using the Live CD Use the tools on the bootable
Linux CD to automate and manage workflow, disseminate information, track
projects, manage groups, and much more.
Understand the Liability of Noncompliance Learn the penalties associated with
noncompliance resulting from both intentional and unintentional filing of an
inaccurate certification.
Deploy COBIT Standards and Best-Known Methods (BKMs) in Your Organization Master
the six components of COBIT: Executive summary, framework, control objective,
control practices, management guidelines, and audit guidelines.
Create an IT SOX Compliance Policy Learn to write, implement, and enforce an
effective IT compliance policy that will be supported by both users and
Realize the Benefits of Open Source Tools Deploy Open Source applications
throughout your enterprise to reduce cost and improve security.
Plan and Organize Your COBIT Strategy Develop strategic IT plans that support
business objectives and can stand the test of time.
Acquire Requisite Applications and Implement Your Plan Ensure that you have the
right people, skills, and tools to implement, test, certify, and maintain both
existing and newly developed systems.
Deliver and Support New Systems Ensure that new systems perform as expected upon
implementation and that they continue to perform in accordance with established
Monitor the Progress of Your COBIT Deployment Use service level agreements
(SLAs) or established baselines to quantify performance against expectations and
proactively troubleshoot problems.
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