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Access to Knowledge: A Guide for Everyone

date: 24 декабря 2010 / author: izograv / views: 341 / comments: 0

Access to Knowledge: A Guide for Everyone by Jeremy Malcolm

Access to Knowledge (A2Ki) is the umbrella term for a movement that aims to create more equitable public access to the products of human culture and learning. The ultimate objective of the movement is to create a world in which educational and cultural works are accessible to all, and in which consumers and creators alike participate in a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and creativity.

These goals are of interest to a broad coalition of consumer groups, NGOs, activists, Internet users and others. However for many of them, coming to grips with the issues involved in the A2K movement can be daunting. These issues, including copyrighti and patenti law reform, open content licensing, and communications rights, often involve legal and technological concepts that even specialists find difficult.

The purpose of this book is to provide an accessible introduction to the A2K movement and the institutions, concepts and issues involved in it, for those who would like to become involved but don't know where to start. In a truly collaborative exercise, information from various freely-licensed sources has been combined with text especially written for this book, and the whole has been made available for you to freely copy, share and modify.


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