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Take Control of Passwords in Mac OS X, Second Edition

date: 1 декабря 2010 / author: izograv / views: 376 / comments: 0

Take Control of Passwords in Mac OS X, Second Edition by Joe Kissell

Suffering from password overload or anxiety? Set your mind at ease with friendly assistance from Mac expert Joe Kissell! You'll learn how to match your personality type and risk factors to a personal plan for choosing and managing your Mac, Web, and iPhone/iPad/iPod touch passwords efficiently and securely.

You'll also learn how to handle:

* Passwords on your Mac (login, master, root, firmware, email, AirPort, keychains)
* Interactions between your Web browser and your stored passwords
* Syncing passwords between Macs, and to your iPhone or iPod touch
* Use Apple's Keychain Access password manager
* Getting started with a third-party password manager
* Planning for what to do if your software (or your brain) forgets key passwords
* Solving password-related problems

Read this ebook for advice on these password-related issues:

* Coming up with secure passwords that are easily remembered and typed
* Keeping track of impossible-to-remember passwords
* Setting up sensible passwords that control access to your Mac
* Reducing hassle by making your Mac automatically log you in to Web sites
* Balancing security with the annoyance of frequent password entry
* Understanding the purpose of the common Mac keychains
* Finding and viewing the passwords that your Mac has tracked for you
* Syncing passwords between different Macs (or with an iPhone/iPad/iPod touch)
* Planning for disaster - what if you're injured and someone else needs your passwords?
* Deciding whether you should memorize your passwords, write them down, or have your Mac store them


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