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Self-Management and Leadership Development

date: 26 октября 2010 / author: izograv / views: 527 / comments: 0

Self-Management and Leadership Development by Mitchell G. Rothstein and Ronald J. Burke

Ivan Robertson, University of Leeds, UK

Self-Management and Leadership Development offers a unique perspective on how leaders and aspiring leaders can and should take personal responsibility for their own development.

This distinguished book is differentiated from other books on this topic with its view on the instrumental role played by individuals in managing their own development, rather than depending on others, such as their organization, to guide them. Expert scholars in the area of leadership emphasize the importance of self-awareness as the critical starting point in the process. Explicit recommendations are provided on how individuals can manage their own self-assessment as a starting point to their development. The contributors present insights and practical recommendations on how individuals can actively self-manage through a number of typical leadership challenges.

Business school faculty teaching electives in leadership, and managers who engage in leadership development for themselves or others, should not be without this important resource. Consulting firms and training institutions offering leadership development programs and participants in MBA and executive development programs will also find it invaluable.


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