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Professional Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel and SharePoint

date: 12 июля 2010 / author: izograv / views: 497 / comments: 0

Professional Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel and SharePoint by Sivakumar Harinath, Ron Pihlgren, and Denny Guang-Yeu Lee

With PowerPivot, Microsoft brings the power of Microsoft's business intelligence tools to Excel and SharePoint users. Self-service business intelligence today augments traditional BI methods, allowing faster response time and greater flexibility. If you're a business decision-maker who uses Microsoft Office or an IT professional responsible for deploying and managing your organization's business intelligence systems, this guide will help you make the most of PowerPivot.

Featuring insights and tips from the team that built the product, it offers a head start on mastering the features of PowerPivot. The companion Web site includes all the sample applications and reports discussed.

Coverage includes:

* Self-Service Business Intelligence and Microsoft PowerPivot
* A First Look at PowerPivot
* Creating Self-Service Bi Applications Using PowerPivot
* Assembling and Enriching Data
* Self-Service Analysis and Reporting
* Preparing for SharePoint 2010
* PowerPivot for SharePoint Setup and Configuration
* Troubleshooting, Monitoring, and Securing PowerPivot Services
* Diving into the PowerPivot Architecture
* Enterprise Considerations

You'll learn to use PowerPivot with Excel and SharePoint to improve your business intelligence system.


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