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« Январь 2010 »
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Operations and Process Management: Principles and Practice for Strategic Impact

date: 12 января 2010 / author: izograv / views: 1420 / comments: 2

Operations and Process Management: Principles and Practice for Strategic Impact by Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Robert Johnston, and Alan Betts

Written by best-selling authors in their field, Operations and Process Management, Second Edition, inspires a critical and applied mastery of the core principles and processes fundamental to managing business operations.

Approaching the subject from a truly managerial perspective, this brand new text provides clear and concise coverage, whilst the fully updated accompanying CD provides an opportunity to practice and further explore the concepts and techniques introduced.

* A diagnostic approach equips you with the questions to effectively assess and improve the operations and processes in your company.
* Cases in the main text provide an insight into the reality of managing operations. Interactive cases provide the opportunity to work through the decision-making process to solve operations problems.
* A balance of service and manufacturing examples equips you with a practical and wide-ranging understanding of the material.
* An interactive study guide featuring video, animated diagrams, Excel spreadsheets and further examples provides practical guidance on core concepts and issues.

This new edition has been updated throughout, including new chapter opening cases, extensive revision of the topical chapters on capacity management and lean sychronization, and clearer and fuller integration of the content with the interactive CD-ROM.

This is the ideal text for students taking any practically-orientated MBA, executive MBA or executive course in Operations and Process Management.


Comments: 2

2. demo | 12 января 2010 - 09:54

не работает extabit, как заработает - ссылки добавятся
1. september01 | 12 января 2010 - 02:16

a shto vso... prujexalu - frishnogo ne bydet? a
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