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date: 18 января 2009 / author: izograv / views: 934 / comments: 3

CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World by Tom Watson

"The campaign would not have happened if I hadn't read CauseWired. It is that simple. I think I knew everything I needed before the book, but CauseWired gave me something that I hadn't given it credit for in my earlier review: detailed, specific inspiration. The examples in that book gave me some confidence and momentum I would otherwise have lacked. If its effect on my life is the measure of a book's worth, then CauseWired ended up as the most valuable book I read in 2008." (additiverich.com, January 14, 2009)

"Watson, veteran consultant, journalist, and entrepreneur, gives us CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World, published last month by Wiley. It's an important book. Why? Because what Watson analyzes here is a trend that will affect the entire non-profit sector and has implications for how change will happen in the future. His personal reflections speak to a deep engagement in the sector, which lends color to this book and makes for an engaging read. Watson provides an excellent road map of understanding about this new, wired (and wireless) approach to generating support. Anyone interested in the future of philanthropy should read this book, because the future has arrived." (The Green Skeptic Blog, December 8 2008)

"Anyone interested in using online activism against the death penalty should take a look at the new book, CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World. It is about using online activism to change the world. The author, Tom Watson, also has a blog that is worth a look." (Grits for Breakfast Blog, November 2008)

"Causewired is the first book focused on making sense of social media in the nonprofit world. Watson not only gets it—but he also explains why social media matters in understandable terms. Tom Watson’s Causwired, is must reading for anyone in the nonprofit world." (Blackbaud.com, September 17, 2008)

"Watson, veteran consultant, journalist, and entrepreneur, gives us CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World, published last month by Wiley. It's an important book. Why? Because what Watson analyzes here is a trend that will affect the entire non-profit sector and has implications for how change will happen in the future. His personal reflections speak to a deep engagement in the sector, which lends color to this book and makes for an engaging read. Watson provides an excellent road map of understanding about this new, wired (and wireless) approach to generating support. Anyone interested in the future of philanthropy should read this book, because the future has arrived." (The Green Skeptic Blog, December 8 2008)

"Anyone interested in using online activism against the death penalty should take a look at the new book, CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World. It is about using online activism to change the world. The author, Tom Watson, also has a blog that is worth a look." (Grits for Breakfast Blog, November 2008)

"Causewired is the first book focused on making sense of social media in the nonprofit world. Watson not only gets it—but he also explains why social media matters in understandable terms. Tom Watson’s Causwired, is must reading for anyone in the nonprofit world." (Blackbaud.com, September 17, 2008)

"Watson, veteran consultant, journalist, and entrepreneur, gives us CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World, published last month by Wiley. It's an important book. Why? Because what Watson analyzes here is a trend that will affect the entire non-profit sector and has implications for how change will happen in the future. His personal reflections speak to a deep engagement in the sector, which lends color to this book and makes for an engaging read. Watson provides an excellent road map of understanding about this new, wired (and wireless) approach to generating support. Anyone interested in the future of philanthropy should read this book, because the future has arrived." (The Green Skeptic Blog, December 8 2008) "Anyone interested in using online activism against the death penalty should take a look at the new book, CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World. It is about using online activism to change the world. The author, Tom Watson, also has a blog that is worth a look." (Grits for Breakfast Blog, November 2008) "Causewired is the first book focused on making sense of social media in the nonprofit world. Watson not only gets it-but he also explains why social media matters in understandable terms. Tom Watson's Causwired, is must reading for anyone in the nonprofit world." (Blackbaud.com, September 17, 2008)

Product Description
An empowering road map to anyone serious about understanding the social impact on the social web, CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World redefines twenty-first-century activism, presenting real-world stories of some of the people—famous and almost unknown—powering this movement. Filled with insider perspectives on the transformative potential of social networking through networks such as MySpace, Facebook, and SaveDarfur, this timely book reveals how you can leverage your blogs and online social networks to effect positive change, improve your communities, and change your world.


Comments: 3

3. demo | 19 января 2009 - 22:29

можно. Кто ж знал, что это будет такое гавно. Сейчас работаем, как лучше и быстрее дать иные ссылки
2. amz | 19 января 2009 - 19:57

Этот аплоад-ящик фуфель полная. Нихрена не даёт скачать.
Неужели старые сервисы нельзя использовать?
1. amz | 19 января 2009 - 19:57

Этот аплоад-ящик фуфель полная. Нихрена не даёт скачать.
Неужели старые сервисы нельзя использовать?
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