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date: 31 июля 2007 / author: izograv / views: 8434 / comments: 2

Beginning SharePoint 2007 Administration: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 by Göran Husman

Book Description
While the main focus of this book is on SharePoint administration, you will also learn how to customize SharePoint by creating templates and using SharePoint Designer to enhance the look and feel of SharePoint sites. Microsoft MVP and author Göran Husman explores the differences between Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) and Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), helps you decide if you need only WSS or if you should also implement MOSS, and much more.

From the Back Cover
With this practical guide, you'll quickly learn how to build SharePoint 2007 sites that meet your business needs. SharePoint MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional) Göran Husman walks you through everything from planning and installation to configuration and administration so you can begin developing a production environment. He also shows you how to take advantage of numerous SharePoint features that will dramatically enhance your sites.

You'll find practical and easy-to-follow steps throughout this book that will enable you to customize templates for SharePoint, build your own Site Definition, and utilize SharePoint Designer. Typical scenarios and tasks that you'll most likely encounter along the way are also presented, such as configuring an intranet, setting up document management, and managing projects. And you'll discover how to use smart add-ons and utilities in order to improve navigation, integrate with other systems, design workflow solutions, and more.

What you will learn from this book

* How to install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or SharePoint Server 2007 and configure specific features
* A practical way of building an intranet with either WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007
* Advanced administration techniques for the MOSS environment
* Tips on how to use SharePoint with Microsoft Office for better file and document management
* Steps for customizing SharePoint sites and extending their functionality using SharePoint Designer
* How to make backups and do restores of your SharePoint environment

26.1M chm


Comments: 2

2. i | 31 июля 2007 - 20:21

2 cosmo_vk: да знаю я, отличный обменник, но на на i-folder-е не любят иноземцев, так что туда класть просто не могу. А большие ссылки я бью на части, так что о 50 метрах речь не идет, максимум - 27 метров.

27 метров / (3600*2) = 3.8 килобайт в секунду - при такой минимальной скорости можно за 2 часа скачать такой объем. imho вполне реально в пару потоков даже на дайлапе. Или через filepost etc заказать.
1. cosmo_vk | 31 июля 2007 - 19:43

А может лучше на тот же i-folder класть, чем на этот mihd.net. Там время на закачку всего пару часов! Неуспеваемс, если книжка более 50 мегабайт!
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